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Beograd, 12. jul 2021. godine – Ministarstvo pravde i Nemčko srpska razvojna saradnja koju predstavlja GIZ potpisali su Sporazum o sprovođenju projekta „Podrška Ministarstvu pravde u reformi upravnog sudstva“.

Sporazum su potpisali ministar pravde Maja Popović i zamenik direktora programa dobra uprava Mihael Englel, ispred Nemačko srpske razvojne saradnje. Potpisivanju je prisustvovao i ambasador Nemačke u Srbiji Tomas Šib. Istom prilikom potpisani su i Memorandumi o razumevanju između Upravnog suda i GIZ-a, kao i Pravosudne akademije i GIZ-a.

Time počinje realizacija projektnih aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj jačanje kapaciteta Upravnog suda. Pored toga, radiće se na poboljšanju dostupnosti informacija o odlukama i radu suda, kako bi se svim građanima obezbedila delotvorna i efikasna zaštita u upravnom sporu. Prvi korak biće izrada analize stanja i potreba Upravnog suda koji će dati usmerenje za dalje reforme.

Od svog osnivanja 2010. godine, Upravni sud ima važnu ulogu u ostvarivanju prava u oblasti upravnih pitanja, koja se često tiču svakodnevnog života ljudi – upis deteta u matičnu knjigu rođenih, izdavanje građevinske dozvole, priznavanje diploma i mnoge druge teme. Značaj Upravnog suda prepoznat je od strane Ministarstva pravde, kao i potreba za kontinuiranim obukama u oblasti upravnog postupka i upravnog spora, što će biti obezbeđeno podrškom Pravosudnoj akademiji.

Pored resornog ministarstva, važnost Upravnog suda prepoznala je i Vlada Republike Nemačke koja nastavlja da podržava Srbiju u oblasti dobre uprave.

“Ovaj projekat Nemačko srpske razvojne saradnje nastavlja trajnu podršku Srbiji u oblasti dobre uprave. Posebna važnost pri tome pripada vladavini prava i upravnom sudstvu. Srbija je napavila konkretne korake u smeru efikasnog i delotvorvnog upravnog sudstva i drago nam je da možemo srpske partnere da podržimo u nastvku ovo puta“, izjavio je Tomas Šib, ambasador Nemačke.


Support in strengthening of the Administrative Court

Belgrade, July 12, 2021 – The Ministry of Justice and the German-Serbian Development Cooperation represented by GIZ signed an Implementation agreement for the project „Support to the Ministry of Justice for the Administrative Court Reform“.

The agreement was signed by the Minister of Justice Maja Popović and the Deputy Director of the Good Governance Program Michael Engel, on behalf of the German-Serbian Development Cooperation. The signing was attended by the Ambassador of Germany to Serbia, Thomas Schieb. On the same occasion, two Memoranda of Understanding were signed: between the Administrative Court and GIZ and the Judicial Academy and GIZ.

This marks the start of activities that aim to strengthen capacities of the Administrative Court. Also, the cooperation looks to improve the availability of information on court decisions and work, to provide all citizens with effective and efficient protection in administrative disputes. As a first step on this road, an analysis of the current needs will be made and its findings will inform further reforms.

Since its establishment in 2010, Administrative Court has played an important role in exercising rights in administrative issues. Issues that often relate to daily lives of people: registration of a child in the birth register, issuance of a building permit, recognition of diplomas and many other topics.

The importance of the Administrative Court has been recognized by the Ministry of Justice as well as the need for the continuous learning and development in administrative procedure and dispute, which will be addressed by the support to the Judicial Academy.

In addition to the line ministry, the importance of the Administrative Court was recognized by the German Government, too, that continues to support Serbia in the area of good governance.

„This German-Serbian Development Cooperation Project continues the long-term support to Serbia in the field of good governance. Of particular importance in this regard are improvements in the rule of law, like in the administrative judiciary. Serbia has taken concrete steps towards an efficient and effective administrative judiciary and we are glad to be able to support our Serbian partners along this way,“ said Thomas Schieb, German Ambassador.

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