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In order to provide assistance in the field of return and reintegration as efficiently as possible, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has published an updated Catalog of available support measures for returnees to Serbia. The most comprehensive document with all types of support for a fresh start, as well as programs for improving qualifications for employment and self-employment (entrepreneurship), contains an overview of all the organizations dealing with return and reintegration, as well as direct contact persons in these organizations.

„We continue to be a reliable support to all our citizens returning to Serbia, both from Germany and from third countries, and we help them to reintegrate into society and to go through all the processes as easily as possible, as well as to use numerous assistance programs. Along with an updated overview of the offered trainings for the improvement of qualifications for some of the most sought-after occupations on the labor market in Serbia, the Catalog also lists the services of all institutions needed for successful socio-economic reintegration of returnees and locals. None of them is alone on that path and they can count on a coordinated support in the exertion of their legitimate rights to personal documents and health insurance, then to psychosocial assistance, assistance in housing and job search. Support in the case of returnees from Germany will begin even before return. We are hereby inviting all of them once again to contact DIMAK (German Information Center for Migration, Vocational Training and Career), in order to receive professional help from our advisors and support in accordance with their needs, „said Svjetlana Đokić, National Coordinator of the Program “Migration for Development”.

The Catalog is available in printed and electronic form, as well as via a mobile application, and is also available to institutions and organizations that work directly with returnees. It is important to emphasize that all users of the DIMAK center services, regardless of the place of residence, have equal chances when it comes to numerous assistance programs.

As the only document of its kind in the country, the Catalog was created as a result of the work of DIMAK, which was founded in 2016 and is the first support station for all returnees.

The Global Program „Migration for Development“ (PME) is part of a broader initiative „Return to New Opportunities“, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by the GIZ. The goal of the Program is to improve opportunities for economic and social integration of returnees and local population in Serbia and it is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the National Employment Service and the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration.

For more information about the services and the program, visit the FB page , the website or download the application from the link RE:INTEGRATE Serbia – Apps on Google Play.

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